Heating Automation
A warm water central heating system that is programmed for heating times and temperatures has been common place in the developed world for many decades, but is still unknown to the vast majority of Kiwis.
Imagine waking to a warm house that was programmed to turn on an hour before you get out of bed. And not knowing what temperature it is outside, instead of cold hard reality based on the steam off your breath as you go to the bathroom. Then turns itself off when everyone has gone to school and work.
Arriving home at the end of the day you find the house is a beautiful 22°C throughout and is a delight to come in via the front door, garage or back door. It truly is like living on the Gold Coast.
The system is preprogrammed to turn off or down an hour before bedtime so no having to turn it off or stoke the fire to last a bit longer. Relax, and enjoy a new way of living in a New Zealand winter.