Gas Central Heating
Gas boilers are the most popular appliance for warm water central heating worldwide. Many years of development have gone into the technology to make them super-efficient, convenient, and cost-effective. They provide heat for radiator or underfloor systems equally well and can use either LPG or Natural Gas. This makes gas boilers a flexible option when determining which heat source is right for you.
Central Heating New Zealand highly recommends gas boilers where natural gas is available. No other heat source comes close to the value for money on capital and running cost when compared with Natural Gas. Gas boilers running on LP Gas (LPG) are a good option if the home is a new, small or well-insulated dwelling and using radiators.
Central Heating New Zealand is proud to represent Baxi gas boilers here in New Zealand. A well-known brand in Europe and America, they are also the most popular boiler brand in Australia and New Zealand. There are three main types of gas boilers: Standard efficiency boilers offer a robust entry-level to central heating. Condensing boilers achieve high efficiency by condensing water vapour in the flue gas which would otherwise have been wasted and are 98% efficient. Combination boilers heat both your home and your hot water (they only provide the heat you need when you need it).
Virtually silent, gas boilers can be positioned almost anywhere inside or outside a house and are flued to the outside. In order to retain efficiency (low running costs) and to keep the system running smoothly, we recommend annual servicing for gas boilers.
Baxi Gas Boilers pride themselves in market-leading quality and come with a 5-year warranty.
Are you connected?
Thinking about gas central heating. The first step is to find out if your home has access to natural gas. The easiest way is to visit Gas Industry Company Limited's website. Simply enter your address to view general status information about a connection. The next step is to choose your gas retailer. You can find a list of gas retailers here.
You can find and compare retailers’ gas prices through Consumer Powerswitch, a free service provided by Consumer NZ.